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Beware Smart Phone Addiction

Having seen people in audiences talking on smart phones during meetings, I noticed that some held a hand over the phone in the belief that the speaker might not notice. Smart phone addiction seems to be a widespread problem. People at dinner had the phone resting beside their plate. At times, the fork was in one hand and the phone in the other.

Here are the signs that you or a colleague may suffer smart phone addiction:

  • Excessive use: The owner feels the need to respond immediately to any message, usually preferring the phone to personal contact.
  • Dangerous use: Talking on the phone in a congested driving situation, or sending text messages while driving
  • Lack of control: Frequent and constant checking of the smart phone, even leading to insomnia.
  • Abstinence or dependence: Irritation if the smart phone is not immediately accessible.

Organizations such as Alcoholics Anonymous are designed to deal with addiction to alcohol. Perhaps a new organization is needed. Is improper use of the smart phone an addiction, or just a bad habit?


K. B. Ackerman Company
1 Miranova Place
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Phone 614-946-9436

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