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Warehousing as a
Competitive Weapon

(A One-Day Seminar For Warehouse Managers and Others Involved In Working With Warehouses)

Speakers: K. Ackerman and M. Richards

7:30 a.m.
Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:30 a.m.
Corporate Strategy and Warehousing
How well does your warehousing program support the strategy of your company? Are there ways in which techniques such as postponement could be a source of change in corporate strategy? This review of the relationship between strategy and warehousing should generate new ideas about both.
The Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Using a third-party may or may not help you develop a competitive weapon. This exploration of the subject will comment on successes but it will also expose some of the failures.
How Do You Keep Going When The Going Gets Tough? Re-engineering, downsizing and rightsizing have taken their toll on morale in the warehouse as well as other places. This presentation will focus on that problem and the things you can do to combat fear in the workplace.
Lunch and Case Discussion
Team Reports on Make Money Co.
Warehousing in the Third Millenium What can we expect in the years ahead? Warehousing like every other activity, is certain to change with new technology and new competitive forces. Benchmarks to help measure the effects of those changes will be explored in this lecture.
The Deming Management Method In Your Warehouse The closing presentation describes how the management theory of W. E. Deming can be applied in a warehousing environment.


K. B. Ackerman Company
1 Miranova Place
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Phone 614-946-9436

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